Heaven Through Us

Thinking about Gods kingdom, generally perceived as something far away, in another dimension. Because the idea that Heaven is only attainable after death if you have been saved is the most common. This view can produce the perspective that what we do on earth is only good for getting into heaven. In reality, we get into heaven by Gods grace, and the death of Jesus. What if if Heaven was closer then you thought? That the Kingdom of God is actually at hand and we have the opportunity to step in to Heaven on Earth?

Quickly defining heaven, Heaven is the Kingdom of God. When you hear Jesus say in Mark 1:15 “..The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” you actually reading about Heaven. Heaven and The kingdom of God are interchangeable. What if Heaven is for God and the angels though, and Earth if for the humans? Heaven would then not be our eternal destination. This idea is pretty counter Christian, because I haven’t meet a Christian that doesn’t believe we are going to heaven. Christians for the most part says that salvation is to save us from our sins and to set us up for eternity. Then, when we get to heaven we have a new body and we are completely remade. However, it wouldn’t make sense for God to make Adam and Eve human if he wanted them to be another way. Our gloried bodies will probably look a lot like what we have now, but we wont have the sin in our life. If God created us to be human and nothing else; then God put us on Earth to be on Earth and no where else. Earth was given to humans to show the glory of God. God gave us earth to rule over, and God let Adam name the animals. When man fell, he was disconnected from the kingdom of God. This disconnect was restored through the death of Jesus, and now we are able to step back into the Kingdom of God and start to restore it on Earth today.

Our job as christians is to be Ambassadors for Christ on earth. 2 Corinthians 5 : 20 says “So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, ‘Come back to God!'” this is our call as Workers of God to be Ambassadors. Some people don’t know an Ambassador is to own the ground you stand on, this means that if we are Christ’s Ambassadors and we have the Kingdom of God in us (Luke 17:21), Heaven is where we stand. This is very important because if we walk in that knowledge our confidence shows and people are drawn to that. With each person being a place of heaven on earth we are able to slowly transform the world in to a place of God’s Kingdom a place where sin can no longer dwell. It is also important to note that Jesus said to Peter “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Matthew 18:18. If Heaven is Earth and what we allow will be allowed in heaven, we need to radically rethink how we view what we are doing to and on this earth.