Progressive faith

I left my church this week. Well really I haven’t gone for the last month, but who is counting. I left because the experience was making my anxious, and unwelcome. I felt like i wasn’t aloud to ask, seek, and find God in my own way. If God is infinite then our understanding of him should always be in flux. what I mean that is that the basics should remain the same but the possess of output and understanding should always be re learned.

Every time you read the bible or hear a sermon you learn something more about God and the Bible. If I’m always learning something new then my interpretation has to be fed through a new filter. Now don’t get me wrong this has to be within reason if it is something heretical then you need to discard it. However, if something is biblical then your frame of reference should change to at least include it as information to consider whether you believe it. Asking questions about these things is the next step to learning.

I think that God wants us to ask questions, but when we ask question we always ask the same questions, hoping for new or better answers. However, we should be working toward asking better questions. So if our original question is “Did Jesus die for our sins?” then the next question should be “Why did Jesus die?” now this happens to an extent. When we reach questions like “How did Jesus’ death invoke the forgiveness of God for his people?” most people stop though. I don’t know what the next question should be, but I know there is one. I also know that most people have their opinion on this question, but some people when faced with a different answers just throw their hands up and just say “well it just is that way” or ” why does it matter how, as long as we are forgiven?” If this faith insecurity or they just want to be told what to believe, I have no clue. I do know this, the second we stop asking questions is the second we start to get radical.

This brings me back to why I left my church. I wasn’t allowed to move forward; I wasn’t allowed to ask questions. If I was allowed then I certainly was not allowed to teach any one what I was looking for. Now that I left I feel healthy again; I feel like I can love again. I certainly feel safer, but I don’t know what I’m going to do next. What I thought I was going to do isn’t going to happen anymore. I certainly believe that God is positioning me for something, but what, I don’t know.

If you are feeling stuck, confused, and uncomfortable. I want to encourage people who are in this situation to look to God and do what feels right; I don’t mean exit the church actually I would recommended you avoid that at all costs. I only left because it was the open door for me to be healthy again, for me to fix myself, and re position myself, I certainly will position myself under authority as soon as I can. However, I know that a large portion of people in America feel uncomfortable with where the church is at and it is because people are afraid to move forward in to the next phase of Biblical and Triunial understanding.

I’m not saying that the problem is that you’re not allowed to ask questions, but I know that if the Body of Christ is to move forward something needs to happen. If you’re at a church that is not missional and will not move to that and you are a missionary then you need to find a place that will help push you forward into that. If you’re a musician and you want to write your own worship music and your doing worship but they wont let you try out a song you wrote then you probably need to move somewhere else. the worst thing for a christian is to become complacent in a position because of X, Y, or Z. Because with complacency a stagnate faith grows, a stagnate faith hates change. If the church can’t change then Christ can’t grow, and if Christ can’t grow then Christ died for nothing.



  1. byblacksheep · October 17, 2016

    Why should we discard something because it is heretical? Heresy has no truth value, shouldn’t we be more concerned with discarded that which isn’t true?


    • We Are Zion · October 17, 2016

      I ment it more as discard it as something that influences your decision making. Like if you were to learn from someone that murder was ok, don’t now go and filter your understanding of the bible and life through a pro murder filter just because you learned it. Instead see if it is biblical across the over arch of the bible then apply it. It still usefully to retain that idea as a point of debate.

      I think I answered your question, let me know if I didn’t tho. I would like to point out that your question is a bit self destructive. If you believe we should get rid untrue things and heresy is untrue then shouldn’t we be concerned with getting rid of that as well? Maybe you worded it wrong tho.


  2. byblacksheep · October 17, 2016

    If the thing that is being described as heresy is untrue then absolutely we should discard it. But just because something is described as heresy doesn’t mean it is untrue. The most prominent example would be Galileo’s discoveries, they were described as heresy, but were true, where would we be today if we had discarded those discoveries?

    If we learn something why shouldn’t we filter our understanding of the Bible through it? Pro-murder might be a bit of a stretch but we are accumulating more and more data that biblical fears for same-sex marriage were unfounded, of biblical morality is superior shouldn’t that be demonstrably?

    Don’t discard the heretical, discard the untrue.


    • We Are Zion · October 17, 2016

      I’m using heretical in terms of that which is found 100% wrong which is generally how the church institute uses the term, though this not the properly defined way of use it is generally how it is used in all venues of thought. Obviously the term can be abused, to force a hand that caters to your own morally safe reality.

      I used the murder example for a argument that is sound and almost universally agreed upon. I don’t generally hear people arguing about it but in will say that if you look at the bible long enough you will find something that supports the ideas you hold as morally correct. Murder for example is something I can find evidence for. That doesn’t make it true. If we filter the bible trough heretical teaching we can most deffinatly find a argument to hold on the teaching. Which is equally dangerous.


  3. byblacksheep · October 17, 2016

    In my experience the church uses the term heresy to describe something that is anti-biblical. They just think that if it isn’t supported by scripture it is 100 percent wrong.


    • We Are Zion · October 17, 2016

      Mmm I see. So your saying your used to seeing something like if the bible doesn’t talk about atoms then atoms are heretical? Am I right? If that is the case I get your point of view then and agree deeply. I wasn’t trying to make that assertion with my post at all.


      • byblacksheep · October 17, 2016

        I know you weren’t, I sometimes have a tendency to seize on small things. your phrasing about we should discard something because it is heretical bothered me. Our standard shouldn’t be to cast out everything that disagrees with the Bible, our standard should be to cast out everything that isn’t true. And if the Bible isn’t true, perhaps that is the thing you cast out.

        If I remember correctly you said you left your church because you didn’t feel like they were letting you ask questions. Perhaps it is more than just the church you need to leave?

        Anyways, I wish you luck on your journey whether that leads you to a new church or perhaps a new outlook. Thank you for humoring me.


      • We Are Zion · October 17, 2016

        ya no problem, I actually find your blog really interesting. The issues you struggle/struggled with in the few posts I have read, are much the same as mine I just came out on the other side retaining my faith. moral issues are tough and christians tend to not handle them well which upsets me. the love of Christ is far more encompassing then I think the standard christian is allowed/taught to believe.


  4. byblacksheep · October 17, 2016

    Thanks, I appreciate the support


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